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Qualifications for Professional Positive Support Intervention Services
Amanda Musolino-Olson | Perspective Co-Op
I personally meet all the positive support professional qualifications in subdivision 2 of the MN statues 245D.091:
With all my educational history and frequent training/professional development over the course of my 22-year career:
I am competent in all of the following:
(1) ethical considerations;
(2) functional assessment;
(3) functional analysis;
(4) measurement of behavior and interpretation of data;
(5) selecting intervention outcomes and strategies;
(6) behavior reduction and elimination strategies that promote least restrictive approved alternatives;
(7) data collection;
(8) staff and caregiver training;
(9) support plan monitoring;
(10) co-occurring mental disorders or neurocognitive disorder;
(11) demonstrated expertise with populations being served
(12) must be a: (i-vii)
I am a:
(vi) person with a master's degree in one of the behavioral sciences or related fields with demonstrated expertise in positive support services, as determined by the person's needs as outlined in the person's assessment summary;
My transcripts and resumes reflect this expertise. I have practiced functional behavior assessment and individualized intervention plans in my practice as a special education teacher.
I have always had a deep understanding of person-centered practices and I continue to make an effort to understand person-centeredness more and more as I collaborate with many amazing individuals and professionals and as my career progresses.
In my teaching career I was accountable to my department administrators and community to demonstrate compliance with special education policy and legislation. Now, I am accountable to my clients and the HCBS community to demonstrate compliance with 245D and related state statutes and policy.
I am a registered learner and learning administrator with Elsevier/Direct Course which is the direct service workforce training curricula endorsed by DHS, and University of MN partner. I have self-enrolled in appropriate lessons and am taking steps to complete these as I am able during this time.
I am exploring membership in professional organizations like the ones recommended in MN Positive Supports Rule 9544.
A. the Association for Positive Behavior Support Standards of Practice;
B. the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices
C. SAMHSA Roadmap to Seclusion and Restraint Free Mental Health Services
D. the Behavior Analyst Certification Board Guidelines for Responsible Conduct for Behavior Analysts
E. the NADD Competency-Based Clinical Certification Program Competency Standard
About Me
Amanda Musolino-Olsen
Owner, Perspective Co-Op
With over two decades of experience working with individuals with disabilities, I have a well-rounded understanding skill set that enables me to conduct functional evaluations, collaborate with families, and multidisciplinary teams, and develop and monitor individualized program plans.